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 Conference Program

Day 1, Thursday 26th

Following LCM Australia 2015


9am Opening address

Conference Chair Rob Rouwette


9.10am Opening plenary

The growing role of LCA in the global building and construction sector, Joep Meijer, The Right Environment

LCA and Designing for Hope, Dominique Hes, Melbourne University


Morning tea break

11am Plenary

Sustainable Buildings and Construction, Sustainable Consumption and Production, 10FYP at UNEP, Usha Iyer-Raniga, RMIT University

Green Star: LCA, EPDs and the Future, Karl Desai, Green Building Council Australia

Technology challenges and opportunities for sustainable buildings, Alan Pears, RMIT University




1.30pm LCA and infrastructure

Developments in the Infrastructural Sustainability Tool, Rick Walters, Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA)

TfNSW’s LCA based CERT-tool is now mandatory for large infrastructure projects, Rob Rouwette, Energetics,

TAGG Workbook (Carbon Gauge) and the role  of LCA, Simon Renton, VicRoads

LCA in industry: a material supplier’s perspective on the use of LCA in infrastructure, Ross Brookshaw, Downer Group


Afternoon tea break

3.40pm LCA of buildings

Carbon footprint and embodied energy consumption saving opportunities for Western Australia’s housing industries - A Life Cycle Management approach, Krishna Kumar Lawania, Sustainable Engineering Group, Curtin University

A quantitative analysis, measuring the relationship between level of Life Cycle Cost, Designer Involvement, Design Quality and the Value of Improvements for Commercial CBD assets within the Sydney, Maryam Litkouhi

Life cycle carbon footprint of public buildings: A case study of Canada, Kasun Hewage, University of British Columbia

How to account for carbon storage in global warming potential (GWP) results, James Logie, Edge Environment 



Day 2,  Friday 27th

9am Conference debate

Climate change is all that matters - other indicators are not worth the carbon stored in the LCA report

Chair: Jodie Bricout

Panel: Rob Rouwette, Richard Haynes, Tim Grant 


Morning Tea

9.45am Opening plenary

Select from your choice of:

EPD and Ecolables, materials, LCI

EPDs for associations: successes and challenges in the Australian timber products industry, Stephen Mitchell

EPDs: Enabling Quality LCA of the Built Environment, Nicole Sullivan, BlueScope

Floorcovering LCA for Ecolabelling in Australia, Shloka Ashar, Global Green Tag

Benefit Metrics for Environmental Building Declarations: The balancing act between simple communication and scientific rigour – a critique of the development and use of weighting in LCA, Gaya Gamage, thinkstep

Synthetic Fibre LCA for Ecolabelling, Omar Biaz, Global Green Tag

The successful realisation of the business value for LCA at David Trubridge, Jeff Vickers, thinkstep

Product environmental footprint for thermalinsulation materials, Jodie Bricout, cd2e


Building LCA modelling tools

Simplifying building LCA, Richard Haynes, eTool

Comprehensive Dynamic LCA/LCC from Inception - Introducing ENVEST, Nigel Howard, Clarity Environment

The ESD Toolkit – Life cycle cost manager for Capital Works Projects, Peter Shuey, ACXargyle

The life cycle advantages of using stainless steel, Dr Graham Sussex, Sussex Materials Solutions

Life Cycle Inventory of Cement and Concrete produced in Australia, Brett Sharma, Life Cycle Strategies

Hybrid LCA for Construction Materials, Soo Huey The, UNSW Water Research Centre

Energy Consumption Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment of Resin Infusion Process for Thermosets Composites, Tiange Lu, Centre for Advanced Composite Materials, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Auckland



2pm Panel discussion

Challenges for LCA in building and construction 

Joep Meijer, David Baggs, Barbara Nebel, Rob Rouwette and Rick Walters


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