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Passion and dedication to make the built environment a better place

ALCAS is delighted to announce The Footprint Company as a bronze sponsor of the inaugural AusBuildLCA, the 1st Life Cycle Assessment Conference for Building and Construction.

The Footprint Company (TFC) are world leaders in Life Cycle Assessment as well as developers of cloud based LCA software for property portfolios, higher education campuses, buildings, tenant fit outs and materials.

With more than 25 years in the business of sustainable design and building, TFC partners with some of the world’s most respected researchers, professionals and thought and sector leading clients.

Founder and Chief Strategy Officer Dr Caroline Noller pioneered embodied carbon and ecological footprinting of property assets in Australia. She has developed and delivered corporate responsibility and sustainability strategy along with GRI reporting for three of the largest property groups in Australia – The GPT Group, Lendlease and Australand.

“Efficiency and evidenced based sustainable design practice can help solve the challenge of design excellence within ecological limits,” Caroline explains.

The Ecological Footprint calculates humanities demand on nature and communicates it tangibly in terms of hectares per person (or Planets) as well as tons of carbon – giving an understanding of how much we have, how much we use, and who uses what.

The method was developed in the 1980s to question how many people the earth can support at a given level of consumption.

“Ideally, global resources would be used at a sustainable rate enabling humanity to live well within the means of One Planet. Turning resources into waste faster than waste can be turned back into resources drives global ecological overshoot, which means depleting the resources on which human life and biodiversity depend,”

“AusBuildLCA has been fundamental in highlighting exemplar case studies nationally and abroad, showcasing opportunities in the built and infrastructure environment, and encouraging organisations to be leaders and step beyond what others are doing,” concludes Caroline.

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