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Breakfast session on development of LCA Guidelines for biofuels and bioenergy

The Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society (ALCAS) is hosting an introductory session on the development of LCA Guidelines for biofuels and bioenergy project for Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).

A brief session will be held in Melbourne at 8am on November 24 2015.

Held prior to the second day of the AgriFoodLCA, this breakfast session will introduce a project to develop a standard approach and guidance for undertaking Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies for biofuels and bioenergy systems.

Initiated by ARENA, the project is intended to provide a framework for applicants to ARENA to assess biofuel and bioenergy options using LCA. The project is in its very early stages so the aim of the session is to introduce the project and have some open discussion about key issues to be address by such a standard.

The session will be led by Jonas Bengtsson, Tim Grant, Annette Cowie, Scott Grierson. A continental buffet breakfast of pastries, yoghurts, fruits and muslie will be provided and non-conference participants are welcome to attend.

If you would like to join the session at the Mercure Treaury Gardens, 13 Spring St, Melbourne from 8 to 8.45am, please register by emailing Jacqui Bonnitcha

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