RIRDC joins ALCAS Conference Series on Life Cycle Assessment
As the global population is expected to hit nine billion by 2050, the demand for food will also increase by an estimated 70%, according to data from the Australian Government’s Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation (RIRDC).
“Measuring the impact of our food production through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) improves efficiencies and environmental performance,” says RIRDC’s External Research Manager Simon Winter.
The national peak body for LCA professionals, the Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society (ALCAS), partners with RIRDC for AgriFoodLCA, The 1st Life Cycle Assessment Conference for Agriculture and Food in Melbourne on 23rd and 24th November.
A Gold Sponsor of ALCAS’s RIRDC will discuss the latest research and developments to secure a more profitable and sustainable rural sector.
“Country specific Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) for agricultural products is essential for Australian agriculture to undertake environmental impact, especially where differences in management systems and regional climate, soils and vegetation significantly affect LCA results,” adds Simon.
“Australia must ensure our primary producers, which includes cotton, grains, horticulture, livestock feeds, sugar, pork, poultry, cotton, sugar, red meat and livestock sectors, can demonstrate the responsible production of products and benchmark their production in global markets.”
“The transition to a green economy is underway that applies to all industries but especially agriculture, a sector that relies on valuable but vulnerable land and water resources.”
The ALCAS 2015 Conference Series also features LCM Australia 2015, The 9th Australian Conference on Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Management, and AusBuildLCA, The 1st Life Cycle Assessment Conference for Building and Construction