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Keynote US sustainable building expert for AusBuildLCA

ALCAS is thrilled to announce Joep Meijer, a US expert in sustainable strategies for the built environment, as keynote speaker for AusBuildLCA.

“Because Joep is in a unique position to tell us what is happening in both the USA and Europe, his information will be invaluable to the Australian building sector,” says Rob Rouwette, who sits on the organising committee for the 1st Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in Building and Construction.

As the owner and president of The Right Environment in Austin, Texas, Joep helps clients to define sustainability strategies through life cycle thinking and life cycle assessment methodologies. He graduated from the University of Nijmegen (Netherlands) as an environmental chemist trying to define a quantified assessment tool for the sustainability of a paper mill. Since then he has worked as a consultant focusing on the built environment, his main field of expertise. He has worked for all major building materials and branch associations in Europe, and has developed tools for European DOT’s for sustainable design and purchasing. With almost 20 years experience, he has developed more than a dozen evaluation tools, has drafted national standards on footprinting and has performed LCA studies (including many EPDs) for over 300 products.

Empowering people to making informed decisions towards a more sustainable life and economy is his major driver, Joep believes in investing in sustainability where it really matters.

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